Removes pasma. Removes Body Odor Removes Joint-Clamping Non-Allergic Gentle-skin Moisturizing All in 1 Perspirant Original & Very Effective BMRS ANTI PASMA SWEATY HANDS FEET AND UNDERARMS WITH COOLING EFFECT ( Gamot sa Pasmadong Kamay, Anti Fungal, Hyperhidrosis, Remove Chicken Skin, Anti Body Odor, Fights Bacteria for Men and Women )
PASMA CREAM is PERFECTLY formulated for people with MILD HYPERHIDROSIS or sweaty/shaky hands or any sweaty body part, this product MAY TOTALLY REMOVE or AT LEAST REDUCE the sweaty issues of any part of the skin except for sensitive parts PASMA CREAM is also for ANTI AGING because this product will help removing the free radicals on our body caused by stress, fried foods, alcohol, smoke, pesticides, air pollutants, and many more, tendency for our neurotransmitters to function at ITS BEST! PASMA CREAM is PERFECTLY formulated for people with MILD HYPERHIDROSIS or sweaty/shaky hands or any sweaty body part, this product MAY TOTALLY REMOVE or AT LEAST REDUCE the sweaty issues of any part of the skin except for sensitive parts PASMA CREAM is also for ANTI AGING because this product will help removing the free radicals on our body caused by stress, fried foods, alcohol, smoke, pesticides, air pollutants, and many more, tendency for our neurotransmitters to function at ITS BEST!